Sunday, July 24, 2011

It Won't Be Long

Today is the halfway point! Yay, we have made it halfway. I am 20 weeks, which is 5 months, but I have 5 months to go. What happened to pregnancy being 9 months?

The doctors appointment on Friday went fine. My blood pressure is normal as well as my weight. I saw a nurse practitioner and I don't really know if she knew what she was doing. She seemed flustered and she had trouble finding the heartbeat. She felt around my belly and told me that the baby was hanging out on one side and so she tried to find the heartbeat there and I guess he was on the other side. Maybe she found my breakfast? She also measured my belly for the first time, she didn't say anything about it so I guess it is normal. That's about it for Friday, it was a quick appointment. My next appointment is another cervix check on Aug 2 and then I only have to go every month (but that is still 2 appointments a month).

Here are the latest belly pictures. These pictures were taken this morning. My belly seems to be smaller in the morning (along with my fingers, which get a little swollen as the day goes on), by night time it feels and looks a bit bigger.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

He's so Heavy

I had another doctors appointment today. Today I went to the specialist doctor (not my regular OB) to have my cervix checked and to get my 2nd trimester screening. They checked Jude's legs, arms, feet, hands, spine, heart, brain, etc. The doctor said everything looks good. He also said that Jude is 12 oz. That doesn't seem that much but average babies around this time are between 8.5 oz and 10.5 oz. He's huge! The doctor did say "If you do have an arcuate uterus, it could slow down the growth" but even the way he said it kind of made it sound like they still weren't really sure if my uterus was oddly shaped or not, or at least not enough to really worry about (the second doctor at this practice said it was barely arcuate, if at all, but they wanted to check anyway). I have been reading some websites and they say it just indicates a healthy baby and I can expect a 9-10lb baby if I go to 40 weeks. Yikes!! I still hope Jude goes to term, but if he does I hope he's not 10lbs!!

He was a little stinker today though. He does not like to get his picture taken. When the ultra sound tech was taking pictures of the things she needed Jude was not being very cooperative. When she was trying to get us pictures he kept putting his hands over his face and rolling over so we couldn't see a good profile. I think we tricked him though. The doctor came in after the nurse, to do some double checking and he managed to get a profile shot. Here he is filling up the whole screen.
I remember at 12 weeks when we could get his whole body in the shot. I know they can zoom in and out, but still, they can't get his whole body in a shot anymore.

I know it is almost time for a belly shot since I will be 20 weeks on Sunday. I have a doctors appointment again tomorrow with my regular OB so I will post about that and post a new picture over the weekend.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I Am the Walrus... I am getting fat!

Ugh, this weight gain stuff is no fun. I have been reading up and they say now is when the weight gain really starts. I  know my doctor said my weight gain is fine, but I fear after I have the baby, that the weight is going to be very hard to lose. I need to start eating a little bit healthier, but nothing healthy sounds appetizing. We have been eating a lot of steak, and I am loving it. I don't usually eat a lot of read meat but I guess I am craving the iron. I have been trying to work out  to counteract all the crappy eating, but its not really working. I'm gonna keep it up though because they say that it helps with delivery. I guess feeling fat just comes with the territory, I'll get over it.

I have 2 more doctors appointments next week. On Thursday I have my 2nd trimester screening, to make sure Jude healthy and stuff. They will also check my cervix again. Then on Friday I will go to my regular OB and they will check my blood pressure and the baby's heartbeat (the typical stuff).

I felt some little flutters from Jude the other day, but I haven't really felt any since then. It felt like bubbles popping in my belly, it was neat. I wish I could feel him more though. I think the weight is making it harder for me to feel him. I should be able to feel him much more in a few more weeks. Exciting!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

It's a boy!

We have known for a week or so that the baby is a boy. But it was confirmed at the 3D 4D ultrasound today. His name will be Jude Phillip Lindgren. Phillip is a family name on Jason's side and we wanted him to have JP's initials. It took us a while to figure out what we were going to make the first name but we finally decided on Jude (since we are both Beatles fans, and the name is unique).

The ultrasound today was interesting. Not quite what I expected. We don't know if the lady who was doing it wasn't very good, if it was too early, if I wasn't hydrated enough or what, but we didn't really get any good pictures or video. Oh well we might do it again later on, we'll see. It doesn't really matter because we will see the little guy in about 5 months!

Here are some of the decent pictures we got.
  Confirmation that he is a boy
His blurry but cute little face
They were having trouble getting past the placenta and the shadows
His little butt and legs... looks like hes not gonna have  much of a but just like his daddy