The doctors appointment on Friday went fine. My blood pressure is normal as well as my weight. I saw a nurse practitioner and I don't really know if she knew what she was doing. She seemed flustered and she had trouble finding the heartbeat. She felt around my belly and told me that the baby was hanging out on one side and so she tried to find the heartbeat there and I guess he was on the other side. Maybe she found my breakfast? She also measured my belly for the first time, she didn't say anything about it so I guess it is normal. That's about it for Friday, it was a quick appointment. My next appointment is another cervix check on Aug 2 and then I only have to go every month (but that is still 2 appointments a month).
Here are the latest belly pictures. These pictures were taken this morning. My belly seems to be smaller in the morning (along with my fingers, which get a little swollen as the day goes on), by night time it feels and looks a bit bigger.