Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I Am the Walrus... I am getting fat!

Ugh, this weight gain stuff is no fun. I have been reading up and they say now is when the weight gain really starts. I  know my doctor said my weight gain is fine, but I fear after I have the baby, that the weight is going to be very hard to lose. I need to start eating a little bit healthier, but nothing healthy sounds appetizing. We have been eating a lot of steak, and I am loving it. I don't usually eat a lot of read meat but I guess I am craving the iron. I have been trying to work out  to counteract all the crappy eating, but its not really working. I'm gonna keep it up though because they say that it helps with delivery. I guess feeling fat just comes with the territory, I'll get over it.

I have 2 more doctors appointments next week. On Thursday I have my 2nd trimester screening, to make sure Jude healthy and stuff. They will also check my cervix again. Then on Friday I will go to my regular OB and they will check my blood pressure and the baby's heartbeat (the typical stuff).

I felt some little flutters from Jude the other day, but I haven't really felt any since then. It felt like bubbles popping in my belly, it was neat. I wish I could feel him more though. I think the weight is making it harder for me to feel him. I should be able to feel him much more in a few more weeks. Exciting!

1 comment:

  1. Hopefully whenever you go to Asheville I can feel Jude!!
