Thursday, September 22, 2011

I'm So Tired

It's been a while since I posted. I don't know how many doctors appointments I have had since the last time I posted, probably two. I've been super busy with class, and my new job, back to school night etc. I just haven't had much time to share. Not to mention I am too tired. I don't get very good sleep at night, and its not because Jude is moving around too much, he is usually pretty quiet at night (hopefully that is a good sign, that he will be quiet when he comes out, fingers crossed!). I wake up almost every 2 hours and when I do sleep, its a half asleep, half awake kind of sleep for most of it. I guess I better get used to it.

Here are some pictures from my last measurement session. They said he was 2lbs 3oz and in the 62nd weight percentile, but that was 2 weeks ago. He will be measured again October 5th.

This picture is kind of a weird one. It is more of a frontal shot than a profile. If you start at the top that is his forehead, and then come down his brow bone (first arrow) to his eye (second arrow), and then to his cheek bone (third arrow), and his nose parallell to his eye and cheek bone.

I had a doctors appointment today. I had to drink the orange glucose drink, it wasn't all that yummy. They took blood too. I have never had half the blood not go in the needle when they take blood. This woman (not one of the normal ones) was fumbling around trying to switch vials and it was pretty uncomfortable, I am pretty sure I will have a bruise tomorrow. They said everything was good, but they were a little bit worried about my weight gain and the amount of swelling I have. They think that it could be alot of water retention (I'm pretty sure it's just because I eat too much). They want me to go on a no/low sodium diet and if I continue to gain more weight than is normal they are gonna take more blood and make me pee in a container for 24 hours. Gross! They must be crazy if they think I am taking a jug of pee everywhere with me for a day. I DON'T THINK SO! I have a doctors appointment with them on the 5th also so hopefully my weight will be ok.

Here are some 28 week belly pics (well 28 weeks and 4 days, so almost 29). It's HUGE already and I still have 3 months to go! :(


Hopefully I will post more in 2 weeks when I go to my next 2 appointments.

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