Friday, November 18, 2011

Hey Jude!

Now that it has been 2 weeks and 2 days, I guess I will tell the story of my sons birth, even though most of the people that follow my blog already know it.

On November 2nd, I drove to school, and waited for the time to reach 8:30 so I could call my OB. I was worried because I had not felt Jude move since Monday, and I didn't know if that was normal, he wasn't a very active baby to begin with. I expected to call and have them tell me to come in tomorrow, when I had a previously scheduled appointment. Well, they didn't. They told me to come in right away, and I was TERRIFIED!

When I got to the doctor, the hooked me up to a monitor to measure contractions, which I wasn't having. They also hooked me up to a monitor to measure the baby's heartbeat. At first the nurse could not find it, and I started to freak out a little bit. She went and got the doctor, and luckily the doctor found the heartbeat. I was extremely relieved. She left me in the room for what seemed like 5 minutes, and came back in to look at the results. She told me that normally, there would be a fluctuation in the baby's heartbeat to show that it was moving around in there, but there was no fluctuation. She told me that I needed to go to the hospital for more testing.

I went to the hospital and checked in. They put me in a labor and delivery room and hooked me up to the same 2 monitors they had on me at the doctors office. When they saw the same thing, they gave me oxygen to stimulate the baby... still nothing. Then they hooked me up to an IV... still nothing. They decided to do an ultra sound to see what was going on. Apparently when they look at the baby via ultra sound they give it a score, 2 points for fluid, 2 points if the baby moves, 2 points if the baby is practicing its breathing, and 2 points for something else... well out of 8... I only got 2. Jude wasn't moving, or doing practice breathing, and he didn't look like he had a lot of room. I was shocked too that the ultra sound said he was only 4 lbs. The last time he got measured he was 3lbs 8oz, so something slowed down his growth significantly. My doctor told me she wanted to check with the specialist I was seeing, but she thought that he needed to come out because it is easier to take care of him on the outside than it is when he is in my belly.

She called the specialist and they gave the go ahead. She came back in a told me to call my husband because I would be having this baby in the next hour or so. I was extremely emotional, but trying to keep a calm face for all the nurses/doctors that were coming in to poke and prod me. Some time before 4 they took me to the room for the c section. They gave me a spinal block and an epidural. I think that was the scariest part. I was trying really hard the whole time not to lose it. I was a mess in my head though, terrified, excited, terrified, confused, terrified.

After a whole lotta tugging and pulling on my lower regions, Jude came out breathing on his own, at a teeny tiny but long 4 lbs 2.6 oz and 17.25 inches long. I got to give him a little kiss (as I was crying and could barely see him anyway) and then they rushed him away and me into a room where they tortured me by pushing on my stomach over and over again. It wasn't too bad though because I couldn't feel anything from the waist down, it was just uncomfortable. My day up to this point felt like it all happened over the course of 2 hours, no exaggeration, but I actually got to the doctor at 9:30 and had Jude at 4:00, so it was actually a really long time. Once he was out, every minute felt like and hour. I WANTED TO SEE MY BABY!

Finally they rolled me into the NICU and I got to see my little man. He was precious and I couldn't wait to see him again. They took me to my room where I tried hard all night to get my legs to move so I could get up and see my baby faster. I was still hooked up to the epidural, and I knew I wouldn't get to see him again that night but I wanted to get out of bed as soon as possible the next day.

The next day all the nurses that were checking on me were surprised at how mobile I was and how little pain medication I needed. It hurt like hell, but it was bearable. I still think getting the epidural and spinal block were the worst part.

When I could walk I went in to see Jude. The doctors told me that they still couldn't figure out what was wrong in my belly, but he wasn't happy in there and they were glad they decided to get him out. The next couple of weeks were an emotional roller coaster. Although he improved everyday, battling low platelets, pH imbalance, temperature regulation, and no motivation to eat, he finally over came all the small battles and we got to take him hom.. he's crying now... gotta go

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Good Day Sunshine

It is so nice to see the sun again! Today has been a pretty good day :)

I had 2 doctors appointments this morning. The first one was was the people who measure Jude every 4 weeks. He is 3lbs 8oz and is in the 57th percentile. I was watching her measure his head, and his head is 7.9 cm in diameter. That is about 31 weeks and 6 days along (I am 30 weeks and 3 days). I hope his head doesn't grow too much more or he's not gonna fit! They also said that he is in the head down position, so hopefully he stays that way. (And stays in there for a little while still) Anyway here's a picture from today. 
He was super cute today when he was getting his pictures taken. He kept yawning and opening his mouth, and sticking his hand in his mouth a few times. It was sweet.

At my second appointment they did the normal stuff. Took my blood pressure (which was normal). They took my weight, which went down 4lbs. (I have been on my low sodium diet and apparently some of the weight is water weight) The doctor said that was good and that she wanted to see more loss, or no gain next time. They took my blood just to double check something (it had to do with the previous weight gain). The listened to Jude's heartbeat (still strong) and measured my stomach. Everything was good.

My next appointment with the OB is Oct 19, and Jude gets measured again Nov 3. Although I am uncomfortable now, I hope he stays in there!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

I'm So Tired

It's been a while since I posted. I don't know how many doctors appointments I have had since the last time I posted, probably two. I've been super busy with class, and my new job, back to school night etc. I just haven't had much time to share. Not to mention I am too tired. I don't get very good sleep at night, and its not because Jude is moving around too much, he is usually pretty quiet at night (hopefully that is a good sign, that he will be quiet when he comes out, fingers crossed!). I wake up almost every 2 hours and when I do sleep, its a half asleep, half awake kind of sleep for most of it. I guess I better get used to it.

Here are some pictures from my last measurement session. They said he was 2lbs 3oz and in the 62nd weight percentile, but that was 2 weeks ago. He will be measured again October 5th.

This picture is kind of a weird one. It is more of a frontal shot than a profile. If you start at the top that is his forehead, and then come down his brow bone (first arrow) to his eye (second arrow), and then to his cheek bone (third arrow), and his nose parallell to his eye and cheek bone.

I had a doctors appointment today. I had to drink the orange glucose drink, it wasn't all that yummy. They took blood too. I have never had half the blood not go in the needle when they take blood. This woman (not one of the normal ones) was fumbling around trying to switch vials and it was pretty uncomfortable, I am pretty sure I will have a bruise tomorrow. They said everything was good, but they were a little bit worried about my weight gain and the amount of swelling I have. They think that it could be alot of water retention (I'm pretty sure it's just because I eat too much). They want me to go on a no/low sodium diet and if I continue to gain more weight than is normal they are gonna take more blood and make me pee in a container for 24 hours. Gross! They must be crazy if they think I am taking a jug of pee everywhere with me for a day. I DON'T THINK SO! I have a doctors appointment with them on the 5th also so hopefully my weight will be ok.

Here are some 28 week belly pics (well 28 weeks and 4 days, so almost 29). It's HUGE already and I still have 3 months to go! :(


Hopefully I will post more in 2 weeks when I go to my next 2 appointments.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

This Boy...

I have lots to update. Well, not really lots but I have had 2 doctors appointments since the last post, and I was supposed to post a 24 week picture.

I had a doctors appointment on Friday. This was my regular OB so they weighed me, took my blood pressure, found the heart beat and measured my belly. The heart beat is still normal... every time they take it, it is between 145 and 150. Next time I got back to my OB I have to drink the orange drink and do the glucose test.

My other appointment, today, was the last appointment to check my cervix. My cervix looks fine, and they said it has looked good the whole time with no signs of weakening. Maybe that means Jude will come in December! We will see... They still want me to go every 4 weeks to measure the baby and his growth, since they did that 2 weeks ago, I have to go back again in 2 weeks. THEN, it will be back down to every 4 weeks for measurements. Except, after my next OB appointment, when they do the glucose test, I have to start going every 2 weeks. Sheesh!

Anywhoo... here are the pictures from the appointment today, and some belly pictures. Enjoy!

He had his hand by his face the whole time...
She was trying to get a good one with his hand up there
He kind of looks like he has an inappropriate finger up there! He really doesn't like getting his picture taken! ;)

Now for some belly pictures... I usually take them on Sundays because that is the start of a new week, but we were driving home from Asheville after seeing our adorable niece Zoey, so I didn't get a chance to take a picture then. Here is my belly at 24 weeks 3 days
I'm really not that big... but I feel like a house. I know it's only going to get worse. 4 months to go!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Ain't He Sweet

Jude was much more cooperative today at the doctors. They got some great pictures.

Here hes got his little hand by his face. I think he looks like Jason, but Jason thinks he looks like me. It's very hard to tell in an ultrasound.

Here's another cute little picture. I think he looks like he is smiling. So sweet :)

The doctors said that everything else looks good. I have to go back again in 2 weeks because they want to check one more time (even though I am pretty sure that is what they said last time). Then they will do a follow up 2 weeks after that and then I only have to go every month. I'll still have to go to my regular OB as well. Thank goodness for insurance!

Jude is 1lb 5oz but they said that they are glad he is on the heavier side just in case he comes early. 

On another note, Jason and my grandfather finally put the closet doors up in the baby room, so now I can start putting the room together. Yay!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Bad Boy

I can tell Jude it rotten already, just like his daddy. Hehe JK! Apparently he hates getting his picture taken. Every sonogram I've had, except for the first ones when he was tiny, he tries to turn and make it impossible to get good pictures. He's impossible!

I had a doctors appointment today. They checked my cervix again, and everything is fine. I am supposed to go back in 2 weeks but I am facilitating a math thing that week so they want me to go back next week. (So I had an appointment today, I have one next Wednesday, and then again the Friday after that) Sheesh! Good thing it's summer. Anyway the Wednesday appointment is to check my cervix for the last time. Then they are just going to check every 4-6 weeks. Thank goodness! I love seeing Jude every 2 weeks but all these doctors appointments are a pain in the rear.

Jude has been moving around a lot lately. I can almost predict when he is going to be awake. He's most active right around bed time. Usually sometime between breakfast and lunch and between lunch and dinner he moves around but not too much. I can't feel it yet on the outside yet though.. poor Jason. He will be able to feel it soon though.

Anyway I will keep you posted on future Drs appointments.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

It Won't Be Long

Today is the halfway point! Yay, we have made it halfway. I am 20 weeks, which is 5 months, but I have 5 months to go. What happened to pregnancy being 9 months?

The doctors appointment on Friday went fine. My blood pressure is normal as well as my weight. I saw a nurse practitioner and I don't really know if she knew what she was doing. She seemed flustered and she had trouble finding the heartbeat. She felt around my belly and told me that the baby was hanging out on one side and so she tried to find the heartbeat there and I guess he was on the other side. Maybe she found my breakfast? She also measured my belly for the first time, she didn't say anything about it so I guess it is normal. That's about it for Friday, it was a quick appointment. My next appointment is another cervix check on Aug 2 and then I only have to go every month (but that is still 2 appointments a month).

Here are the latest belly pictures. These pictures were taken this morning. My belly seems to be smaller in the morning (along with my fingers, which get a little swollen as the day goes on), by night time it feels and looks a bit bigger.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

He's so Heavy

I had another doctors appointment today. Today I went to the specialist doctor (not my regular OB) to have my cervix checked and to get my 2nd trimester screening. They checked Jude's legs, arms, feet, hands, spine, heart, brain, etc. The doctor said everything looks good. He also said that Jude is 12 oz. That doesn't seem that much but average babies around this time are between 8.5 oz and 10.5 oz. He's huge! The doctor did say "If you do have an arcuate uterus, it could slow down the growth" but even the way he said it kind of made it sound like they still weren't really sure if my uterus was oddly shaped or not, or at least not enough to really worry about (the second doctor at this practice said it was barely arcuate, if at all, but they wanted to check anyway). I have been reading some websites and they say it just indicates a healthy baby and I can expect a 9-10lb baby if I go to 40 weeks. Yikes!! I still hope Jude goes to term, but if he does I hope he's not 10lbs!!

He was a little stinker today though. He does not like to get his picture taken. When the ultra sound tech was taking pictures of the things she needed Jude was not being very cooperative. When she was trying to get us pictures he kept putting his hands over his face and rolling over so we couldn't see a good profile. I think we tricked him though. The doctor came in after the nurse, to do some double checking and he managed to get a profile shot. Here he is filling up the whole screen.
I remember at 12 weeks when we could get his whole body in the shot. I know they can zoom in and out, but still, they can't get his whole body in a shot anymore.

I know it is almost time for a belly shot since I will be 20 weeks on Sunday. I have a doctors appointment again tomorrow with my regular OB so I will post about that and post a new picture over the weekend.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I Am the Walrus... I am getting fat!

Ugh, this weight gain stuff is no fun. I have been reading up and they say now is when the weight gain really starts. I  know my doctor said my weight gain is fine, but I fear after I have the baby, that the weight is going to be very hard to lose. I need to start eating a little bit healthier, but nothing healthy sounds appetizing. We have been eating a lot of steak, and I am loving it. I don't usually eat a lot of read meat but I guess I am craving the iron. I have been trying to work out  to counteract all the crappy eating, but its not really working. I'm gonna keep it up though because they say that it helps with delivery. I guess feeling fat just comes with the territory, I'll get over it.

I have 2 more doctors appointments next week. On Thursday I have my 2nd trimester screening, to make sure Jude healthy and stuff. They will also check my cervix again. Then on Friday I will go to my regular OB and they will check my blood pressure and the baby's heartbeat (the typical stuff).

I felt some little flutters from Jude the other day, but I haven't really felt any since then. It felt like bubbles popping in my belly, it was neat. I wish I could feel him more though. I think the weight is making it harder for me to feel him. I should be able to feel him much more in a few more weeks. Exciting!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

It's a boy!

We have known for a week or so that the baby is a boy. But it was confirmed at the 3D 4D ultrasound today. His name will be Jude Phillip Lindgren. Phillip is a family name on Jason's side and we wanted him to have JP's initials. It took us a while to figure out what we were going to make the first name but we finally decided on Jude (since we are both Beatles fans, and the name is unique).

The ultrasound today was interesting. Not quite what I expected. We don't know if the lady who was doing it wasn't very good, if it was too early, if I wasn't hydrated enough or what, but we didn't really get any good pictures or video. Oh well we might do it again later on, we'll see. It doesn't really matter because we will see the little guy in about 5 months!

Here are some of the decent pictures we got.
  Confirmation that he is a boy
His blurry but cute little face
They were having trouble getting past the placenta and the shadows
His little butt and legs... looks like hes not gonna have  much of a but just like his daddy

Sunday, June 26, 2011

16 week belly

I went to the doctors on Friday... my regular OB and they listened to the heartbeat and she told me everything was normal, the heartbeat, my weight gain (which does not feel normal, it feels like too much), the headaches, and the sharp pains I get when I stand up too fast or lift my legs to get dressed.

Next Saturday is the 3D 4D ultrasound.. I can't wait to see my cute little baby again :)

Here's my belly at week 16. The baby is the size of an avocado but it sure seems like more...

Thursday, June 23, 2011

We have a secret!

I had a doctors appointment today. This one is to check on my cervix to make sure I don't need a stitch. I have to go every 2 weeks until week 24... fun! The doctor told me everything looked good, and I probably won't need a stitch but they just want me to come every 2 weeks to be on the safe side. He also told me what the sex of the baby is. :) Jason and I decided that we are going to keep it a secret for the most part and just tell family until next weekend when we do the 3D 4D ultrasound... next weekend I will post pictures and we will make the big announcement. Sorry, you have to wait.

Another doctors appointment tomorrow at my regular OB. This baby is keeping me busy!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Monkey See Monkey Do

So I am determined to decorate the baby room with some kind of monkey. My nickname when I was little was monchichi (I probably spelled that wrong) which is a baby monkey, and I have always LOVED monkeys. I think they are cute and the baby decorations with monkeys are adorable.

I went on a little online shopping spree today so I can decorate the baby room. Here is what I bought :) I tried to get things as gender neutral as possible so the next baby could use it too.

a valanceNoJo Jungle Tales Window Valance - NoJo  - Babies"R"Us
decals for the wall NoJo Jungle Tales Wall Decals - NoJo  - Babies"R"Us
wall hangings NoJo Jungle Tales 3-Piece Wall Hanging - NoJo  - Babies"R"Us
a rug NoJo Jungle Tales Rectangular Rug -  NoJo - Toys"R"Us isn't the monkey cute?!
and a changing table White Sleigh Style Changing Table with Six Baskets

I can't wait to get the room looking all cute. I guess we should probably paint the door and put doors on the closet too. :)

Monday, June 6, 2011

Pictures of the baby

I went to the doctor today and the baby is actually looking like a baby now.

They also told me that I have an abnormal shaped uterus  Arcuate uterus It looks like a normal uterus but it has a dip or indentation at the top.  The doctor said it could mean that the baby comes prematurely. They are going to have me come in every 2 weeks to make sure I don't need a "stitch", whatever that means.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Bump pictures

This is my belly at 8 weeks.

This is my belly at 12 weeks.
These aren't the best pictures because I took them infront of a mirror in a dim room with a flash. When it actually starts looking like a baby bump I will have Jason take the picture with my good camera. Right now I just feel like I'm fat... it's probably all the food im eating.. nom nom nom

Thursday, May 26, 2011

It's alive!

I had a doctors appointment today. Just my regular monthly checkup. They were going to do the normal stuff and listen to the heartbeat with the Doppler. They tried to hear the heartbeat but all the could find was mine. I was laying on the table having a mini panic attack because they couldn't find the heartbeat. The doctor finally gave up and took us to the sonogram room where she did a sonogram. Not only is the baby still alive but its moving around! I can't feel it move yet but Jason and I saw it move twice. So exciting!

Friday, May 20, 2011

A new addition to the baby room

Well we don't have it yet, but my wonderful mother and her awesome boyfriend are giving us the crib that they had in their house.

AFG - Jeanie Fixed Side Crib, White

It is in GREAT shape... it doesn't look like it has been used much at all. It will go great with the rest of the room, which I am not sure how it will look yet, but I know it will go great. It makes me want to decorate and stuff, but there is still so much time.

I have been doing great. No morning sickness really, just random moments that I haven't felt great but very few and far between. I am VERY tired though (It's about my bed time right now actually). I still only want to eat sweets. I thought I would beat my cravings by packing a salad for lunch that had strawberries, mandarin oranges, apples, and walnuts, with a raspberry vinaigrette, but I got sick of that after a week and a half. All the foods I normally love are not appetizing to me. I don't even want to see them, let alone eat them, but give me a hamburger, or chicken nuggets and I am all over that... I very rarely eat that crap.. but now it's all I want.  I don't know what to eat anymore. Hopefully I won't be 500 pounds at the end of this journey.

Anyway, like I said... time for bed.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

8 week appointment

I had my 8 week appointment today. They poked around, did an ultrasound and took almost all of my blood. Jason was a good sport through it all :) He is such a good husband.

The ultra sound was great. We saw the heartbeat again and we even got a picture this time. It still looks like a blob though.  The baby is the big white blob at the top of the big black circle.

My next appointment will be May 26, when I will get to hear the heartbeat with a Doppler. That should be fun!

Things have been pretty good. I have had some spotting so they put me on progesterone just in case I need it. I haven't really had much morning sickness. just at random times I might feel sick, or my tummy feels funny.

So far so good! I will keep posting with more :)

Friday, April 22, 2011

It's been a while

So... I am definitely pregnant. I knew before I took a pregnancy test, I could just tell by the way my body felt. I went to the doctor on April 4 (about 4 weeks) and they took blood. My hormone levels were at 569 (with the chemical pregnancy they were in the 20s). They had me come in a week later to take more blood and my levels were at 7,779, and they congratulated me and told me I was definitely pregnant.

We have had a lot going on lately, with fixing up the upstairs, so I have been VERY tired. I haven't had much morning sickness yet, but I do have moments where my stomach just doesn't feel right. I am ALWAYS hungry, but I can never really think of anything that sounds appetizing to eat. When I do think of something appetizing to eat, I chow down!

We had a scare yesterday, but it turned out to be good. I woke up bleeding, it was quite a lot of blood and I was pretty scared so I went to the doctor. They did an exam and they told me that my cervix was still closed and it was in the right position. They said "it looks how we like it to look at this point". To ease my mind they sent me upstairs to get an ultrasound. They checked my uterus, ovaries, and the baby. They said everything looked fine, and they couldn't explain exactly where the bleeding came from (both doctors said 2 different things but neither one were completely sure) I saw the baby (It looked like a blob) and I saw the little flutter of it's heartbeat. Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures, but I am supposed to have a doctors appointment next week. Hopefully they will give me pictures. They told me that I am 6 weeks and 2 days and my due date is December 13.

We are not telling everybody yet. Just some family memebers. No facebook announcements please!

More to come... :)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Not this time

Well we wont be having a November baby. The only upside is we get to keep trying. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for a December baby. :)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Trying Again

It's that time again.. time to try again. i went to the doctor last week for another blood test to make sure my levels were normal. They said that they were negative (I didn't know they could be negative). They also said it is safe to continue trying.

I dunno if it is going to happen this month, but I am keeping my fingers crossed. I was looking on a due date calculator just to see when the baby would be due if I got pregnant this month and it would be 11/11/11. That's kinda cool. We'll see in a couple of weeks.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Sad Times

Well, it definately was a chemical pregnancy and I am no longer pregnant. I was supposed to go to the doctor this Friday so they could make sure my levels are getting into the negatives but I wont be able to go.

I will be in california for a funeral. Jason's cousin JP passed away. ALthough I only knew him for a few years but he was very important to me and I miss him so much already. I love him dearly and this was a tragedy. It is still not real to me. I am greatful to have had him in my life for the short time. He will definitely be someone I tell my kids all about.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Bad News

So I went to the doctor again on Wednesday to do a second round of blood work. They called me on Thursday and told me that my hCG levels had only gone from 27 to 38 when they were supposed to double and be at 54. They told me that it was a chemical pregnancy and they were somewhat surprised I hadn't started spotting already. I was crushed.

They had me go in today to take a third round of blood work just to make sure which direction they were going in. They told me they would have double 38 and be 76 for my levels to be normal. I did a home pregnancy test this morning and the line is getting lighter so I am pretty sure that my levels are dropping. I will know on Monday when the offices are open again. I am also starting to spot, so I am pretty sure its over.

The good news is they said I should ovulate 14 days later. like this is a normal AF. They also said that the likelihood that this will happen 2 times in a row is slim.

Jason has been really sweet. Yesterday he made dinner and a cake for me and we went to be early to watch some 30 Rock. Tonight he told me that he would do what ever he needs to, to help get pregnant this time.

This was so devastating to me I don't really feel like charting my temperature levels and all that stuff this go round. Hopefully it will still happen.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A Call From the Doctor's Office

The blood results are in, and my blood was positive for hCG, so I am definitely pregnant. It feels so good to have it confirmed by more than just the tests that I have taken at home. They want me to come back tomorrow to take more blood so they can make sure that the hormone levels are going up at the right rate. I think I will feel much better after I get the results back from that blood test. I am still feeling nervous. I just need something to ease my mind.

Today I went for a walk. I walked for about 40 minutes. It was cold, but it felt nice to get some exercise. I have a little bit of a headache. I hope it doesn't get any worse because I know I can't take anything. I haven't been feeling any cramping like I had the few days before. I still feel bloated, but not as bad as I have been the past couple of days. It is always worse at night though.

I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that the blood test results tomorrow are good. If they are, I think we should tell the rest of our family, at least my grandparents and such.

Monday, January 31, 2011

First Trip to the Doctor

So about 4 or 5 days ago I took a home pregnancy test that said I was pregnant. I was so giddy I could hardly contain myself. I was snowed in that day with my husband, Jason, and as soon as I felt he had had enough sleep I woke him up and showed him the good news. It was a very faint line, but it was a line!

The next day, I was doubting the faint line so I went to the store to get a digital test. I came home and took the test. This is what showed up:

 I'd say that's pretty straight forward. Of course I think it is too good to be true so I wanted to schedule a doctors appointment too. At this point though Jason and I are so excited we can hardly contain ourselves. The next day we tell our parents.

Today, Monday, January 31, I went to the doctor for a confirmation. The did the urine test and that came out negative, but they said their test just might not be strong enough since it is so early. They took blood and told me they would call me with the results tomorrow.

Right now I am feeling a bit nervous. If I got a positive 5 days ago, why aren't my hormone levels high enough for their tests to detect? Maybe I am just over reacting. They said I would be about 4 weeks pregnant and that is still pretty early for regular urine tests.

I am also feeling super bloated. Ugh! I'll take it though if it means I am right where I am supposed to be and all my hormone levels are fine. I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow.